Anti-Surge Inlet Mitsubishi Lancer EVO 10 Turbo Launch

Anti-Surge Inlet Mitsubishi Lancer EVO 10 Turbo Launch

NEW PRODUCT RELEASE - Anti-Surge Inlet Mitsubishi Lancer EVO 10 Turbo

Arashi Dynamics launches our slotted anti-surge cover Mitsubishi Lancer EVO 10 Turbo. Ported cover design reduces compressor surge by relieving air pressure caused by excessive air. Configuring a high boost turbo on your EVO 10 but troubled by compressor surge? Arashi Dynamics Anti-Surge Inlet EVO 10 turbo provides you great performance and power along with smooth operation.
Arashi Dynamics currently offer 20G anti-surge compressor cover with options of TD05H, TD06SL2, and TD06H turbine selections, boost it your way!


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